* Preface MAE 2.0 - Installing and Getting Started - Chapter 1 Chapter 2 *

1. Installing the Macintosh Application Environment

This chapter tells you how to install the Macintosh Application Environment (MAE) software, the MAE on-line documentation, AppleTalk, the reference manual pages, and Macintosh demonstration applications on your UNIX workstation. It describes how to perform the following tasks:

In addition, this chapter lists the resources needed to run MAE and includes troubleshooting information about error messages that may appear during the installation.

What you need to install and run MAE

You need the hardware and software listed in the following sections to run MAE.

For all users

Note: If your company or organization has licensed multiple copies of MAE, your system administrator may make the MAE files available to you for remote installation from a server. If this is the case, you do not need the MAE CD-ROM disc or a CD-ROM drive in order to install MAE. For information about MAE licensing requirements, see the license agreement that comes with MAE.

For Solaris users

For UP-UX users

Before you begin

Read this section before you install MAE on your workstation.

About the MAE software

The MAE CD-ROM disc groups the MAE software into the following packages for installation:

Installation options

The MAE Installer lets you install MAE on your workstation from a local
CD-ROM drive or from a remote server on the network. The Installer offers you the following choices:

The installation steps summarized

The installation steps can be summarized as follows:

  1. Choose whether you want to install MAE from a CD-ROM drive attached to your local workstation or from a remote Network File System (NFS) server. (See "Starting a Local Installation from a CD-ROM Disc" or "Starting a Local Installation from a Remote Server," later in this chapter.)

  2. Specify whether you want to perform an Easy installation or a Custom installation, or whether you want to remove a previously installed version of MAE. (See "Performing an Easy Installation," "Performing a Custom Installation," or "Removing MAE," later in this chapter.)

  3. Run the License Binder program.

    Note: If you install MAE over a previously existing version, the apple directory (including the MAE executable) of the older version is archived until the new installation is completed successfully. When the new version is successfully installed, the archived old files are deleted.

    IMPORTANT If you are planning to run MAE from a central server, you must install the UNIX kernel modules (AppleTalk, the Solaris Volume Manager Extensions, and streams) in your local workstation. For information on how to avoid this limitation, see Chapter 2 of the MAE System Administrator's Guide.

Starting the installation

The following two sections describe how to gain access to the MAE installation files on a local CD-ROM disc or a remote server or CD-ROM drive.

Note: When you begin the installation, the Installer might display a message that you must be logged in as the superuser to install AppleTalk or the Solaris Volume Manager Extensions.

It is recommended that you install with superuser ("root") privileges, but before you start to run MAE you should log in to an ordinary user account.

Note also that if you reinstall MAE over a previous installation, you must reinstall with the same login you used the last time you installed. Thus, if you installed as root previously, you must do so again.

Remember to install any necessary patches (or other software listed in the Read Me file) before installing MAE.

Starting a local installation from a CD-ROM disc

To start the Installer, follow the steps listed in this section.

IMPORTANT If you are installing MAE on a workstation running Solaris, you should not use the Solaris File Manager to start the Installer. Start the Installer in a Shell Tool or a Command Tool window, using the command line interface.

  1. Open a terminal emulator window on your UNIX workstation.

    For example, open a Command Tool or a Shell Tool window on a Sun workstation, or an hpterm window on a Hewlett-Packard workstation.

  2. Insert and mount the Macintosh Application Environment CD-ROM disc.

    IMPORTANT You may need superuser privileges to mount a CD-ROM disc. See your system administrator for information.

    Some workstations automatically mount a CD-ROM disc when you insert it into the CD-ROM drive. Other workstations require that you use the mount(1M) command. Your workstation may require that you mount the CD-ROM disc as "read only." For more information about mounting a CD-ROM disc, see the documentation that came with your workstation.

  3. Use the cd(1) command to change to the directory at which the MAE CD-ROM disc is mounted.

    For example, you can enter cd /cdrom at the command prompt.

    Note: If you are running Solaris, you might need to enter cd /cdrom/mae to change to the directory where the MAE CD-ROM disc was automatically mounted.

    Proceed to "Completing the Installation," later in this chapter.

Starting a local installation from a remote server

Your system administrator might have stored MAE on a network server or might have mounted the MAE CD-ROM on a remote server. This section tells you how to start the Installer from a remote server.

Note: Before you start the Installer, make sure that you know which directory on the server contains the MAE installation files, and be sure that you have read permission for that directory.

To start the MAE Installer on a remote server:

  1. Open a terminal emulator window on your UNIX workstation.

    For example, open a Command Tool or a Shell Tool window on a Sun workstation, or an hpterm window on a Hewlett-Packard workstation.

  2. Mount the remote server that contains the MAE installation files.

    For example, if you are running HP-UX, mount the server at the /mnt directory by entering the following:

    mount -r remote-host:/directory-path /mnt

    Replace remote-host with the name of the server and directory-path with the name of the directory that contains the MAE installation files (or the MAE CD-ROM disc). The -r option mounts the server as read-only.

    IMPORTANT You need superuser privileges to mount the server remotely on your workstation. See your system administrator for information.

  3. Use the cd(1) command to change to the directory on the remote server in which the MAE installation files are located.

    For example, you can enter cd /mnt if you mounted the server according to the example given in step 2. IMPORTANT Once the MAE CD-ROM disc is mounted, be sure to read the Read Me file (README.TXT), which is located in the root directory of the disc. The Read Me file contains the latest information that supplements this guide.

Completing the installation

Note: If you are not logged in with superuser privileges, the Installer will display a message that you must be logged in as the superuser to install AppleTalk or the Solaris Volume Manager Extensions.

It is recommended that you install with superuser privileges but that when you start to run MAE, you log in to an ordinary user account.

Now that you have gained access to the MAE installer, install the MAE software as follows:

  1. At the command prompt, enter the following command:


    The Installer displays a welcome message.

    Once you start the Installer, you can quit it by entering q (or quit). You can display help information by entering help.

    Note: If you are well acquainted with the installation process and do not need the messages that help you install, you can use the following options:

    Enter ./INSTALL.SH -e to proceed immediately with an easy installation.

    Enter ./INSTALL.SH -c to proceed immediately with a custom installation.

    Enter ./INSTALL.SH -r to proceed to the Remove Software screen.

    If you are experienced in installing MAE, you can enter ./INSTALL.SH -q to suppress any warning messages that appear if you do not have superuser privileges.

    Easy installation, custom installation, and removal of MAE are described later in this chapter in "Performing an Easy Installation," "Performing a Custom Installation," and "Removing MAE," respectively.

  2. Press Return to continue.

    The Installer displays a list of packages available for the Easy and Custom installations, including space requirements for each package.

    If you are not logged in as the superuser, you will not be able to install AppleTalk or the Solaris Volume Manager extensions. If this is the case, you can do one of the following:

  3. Press Return again to continue.

    The Installer displays three installation options: Easy, Custom, and Remove.

    To use the Easy option, see "Performing an Easy Installation," in the following section.

    To use the Custom option, see "Performing a Custom Installation," later in this chapter.

    To remove an already installed MAE, see "Removing MAE," later in this chapter.

Performing an Easy installation

When you perform an Easy installation, the Installer installs the MAE application, the on-line documentation, and the reference manual pages. In addition, it installs several packages into the UNIX kernel if you have superuser privileges, such as the files necessary to run AppleTalk and the Solaris Volume Manager extension.

WARNING MAE is incompatible with third-party AppleTalk versions. Do not install AppleTalk for MAE on your workstation if you already have AppleTalk installed on the same workstation. Before you install AppleTalk for MAE, remove the existing version of AppleTalk (according to the instructions that came with that product).

During the installation process, you can quit by entering q (or quit). You can display help information by typing help.

  1. When prompted to choose an Easy or Custom installation, enter e (or easy).

    The Installer asks you where you want to install the MAE files.

  2. Enter the destination directory at which you want to install the MAE files, or press Return to accept the default directory.

    The Installer recommends creating a directory called apple for the MAE files. It is recommended that the apple directory be created in your home directory, though the apple directory can be located in any directory for which you have write permission. (When you run MAE, you need only read and execute permission to the apple directory).

    For example, if your home directory is named benjamin and its pathname is /users/benjamin, you would type /users/benjamin/apple to specify that the MAE files be installed in the apple directory in your home directory.

    WARNING Once the Installer has created an apple directory and has installed MAE into it, do not move the apple directory to another location. If you do so, MAE will not be able to locate files it needs unless you use additional command line arguments (described in Chapter 2 of this guide).

    The Installer determines whether the destination directory is valid. For example, it determines whether the destination directory has enough free disk space.

  3. Enter y (or yes) to confirm that you want to install the packages listed.

    If the destination directory is valid, the Installer displays a list of packages that will be installed and asks if you want to begin installing them.

    If the directory is not valid, the Installer displays a message describing the problem, and prompts you again to select the Easy or Custom installation.

    If you enter n (or no) when asked if you want to install the packages, the Installer returns you to the opening screen. (See step 5 in "Completing the Installation," earlier in this chapter, for information.)

  4. Press Return to begin installation.

    IMPORTANT If you need to stop installation once it has begun, press Control-C. The Installer removes any partially installed packages and then quits.

    During installation, the Installer displays status messages. When the Installer completes installation, it tells you where the log file is. The shell prompt then appears.

  5. If you have installed AppleTalk, reboot your workstation.

  6. Follow the directions in "The License Binder," later in this chapter, to run the license_binder program.

    The license_binder program registers your serial number and permits you to start MAE.

    Note: If your site administers the License Binder from a central location, you probably do not have to run the license_binder program. If this is the case, set the MAE_LICENSES environment variable to the location specified by your system administrator. For further information. see "If the License Binder is Administered from a Central Location" in "The License Binder," later in this chapter.

    IMPORTANT If the Installer displays an error message during the installation, see "If You Have Problems Installing MAE," later in this chapter, for instructions.

Performing a Custom installation

The Custom installation option allows you to install selected packages in a single location or in several locations. For a description of the MAE packages, see "About the MAE Software," earlier in this chapter.

WARNING MAE is incompatible with third-party AppleTalk versions. Do not install AppleTalk for MAE on your workstation if you already have AppleTalk installed on the same workstation. Before you install AppleTalk for MAE, remove the existing version of AppleTalk (according to the instructions that came with that product).

During the installation process, you can quit by entering q (or quit). You can display help information by entering help.

To perform a Custom installation, follow these steps:

  1. When prompted to choose an Easy or Custom installation, enter c (or custom).

    The Installer asks if you want to install the package called "Macintosh Application Environment." This package contains the software necessary to run MAE on your workstation.

  2. Type y and press Return. If you don't want to install the package, type n and press Return.

    If you typed y: The Installer asks you where you want to install the files.
    Go to step 3.

    If you typed n: The Installer asks you if you want to install the next package. Go to step 4.

  3. Enter the destination directory in which you want to install the MAE files, or press Return to accept the default directory.

    Some packages (such as AppleTalk and the Solaris Volume Manager) do not request a destination.

    The Installer recommends creating a directory called apple for the MAE files. It is recommended that the apple directory be created in your home directory, though the apple directory can be located in any directory to which you have write permission. (When you run MAE, you need only read and execute permission for the apple directory).

    For example, if your home directory is named benjamin and its pathname is /users/benjamin, you would type /users/benjamin/apple to specify that the MAE files be installed in the apple directory in your home directory.

    WARNING Once the installer has created an apple directory and has installed MAE into it, do not move the apple directory to another location. If you do so, MAE will not be able to locate files it needs unless you use additional command line arguments (described in Chapter 2 of this guide).

    The Installer determines whether the destination directory is a valid directory. For example, it determines whether the destination directory has enough free disk space.

    If the destination directory is valid, the Installer asks if you want to install the next package.

    If the directory is not valid, the Installer displays an error message describing the problem, and asks again if you want to install this package (step 2).

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each package that the Installer asks you about and that you wish to install.

    When this process is complete, you see a list of the packages you have chosen to install.

  5. If the list of packages is correct, press Return to install the packages.

    If you want to add or remove a package, or if you want to change the destination directory for any of the packages, enter n. The Installer returns you to step 1. The Installer now uses the answers you provided during the previous installation process as defaults.

    After you accept the list of packages by pressing Return, the Installer begins installing the MAE files.

    To stop the installation process once it has begun, press Control-C. The Installer removes any partially installed packages and then quits.

    During installation, the Installer displays status messages. When the Installer completes the installation, it tells you where the log file is. Your shell prompt then appears.

  6. If you have installed AppleTalk, reboot your workstation.

  7. Follow the directions in "The License Binder," later in this chapter, to run the license_binder program.

    The license_binder program registers your serial number and permits you to start MAE.

    Note: If your site administers the License Binder from a central location, you probably do not have to run the license_binder program. If this is the case, set the MAE_LICENSES environment variable to the location specified by your system administrator. For further information. see "If the License Binder is Administered from a Central Location" in "The License Binder," later in this chapter.

    IMPORTANT If the Installer displays an error message during the installation, see "If You Have Problems Installing MAE," later in this chapter, for instructions.

The License Binder

Before you can use MAE, you need to run the License Binder.

The License Binder is a tool to help the system administrator keep track of MAE licenses and to help maintain compliance with your site's license agreement.

The following sections describe the use of the License Binder. Read this material carefully. If you misassign licenses or corrupt the serial number file, you might not be able to start MAE. The serial number file is discussed in "Using the license_binder program," later in this chapter.

Assigning licenses

Your site has acquired a specific number of licenses to run MAE. The License Binder allows you to assign a license to a user (that is, to a user name, not a user ID number) or to a display server name.

If you assign a license only to a user name, only that user can use that particular installation of MAE. He or she can use it remotely, from any workstation, as well as locally. For example, if you assign a license only to the user name benjamin, then only benjamin can use that installation of MAE, but he can use it from any display server.

If you assign the license only to a display server, anyone using that display server can use that installation of MAE, but it can not be used from another display server. For example, if you assign a license only to zeus:0 anybody can run MAE on the display server zeus:0, but the zeus installation of MAE cannot be run remotely.

If you assign one license to zeus and one to benjamin, then anybody can run that installation of MAE on zeus, but not on any other display server.

Using the license_binder program

When you run the license_binder program you are asked to type the serial number printed on the MAE Installation CD-ROM. The serial number tells license_binder how many licenses your site has purchased.

If you enter a valid serial number, you are prompted to enter a name to assign to each license in turn. If you do not want to assign all of the licenses at this time you can end the program by pressing Return instead of entering a name. You can assign the remaining licenses later.

When you run the License Binder, it creates a serial number file. The serial number file's location is discussed later in this section.

If you make a mistake, or if you wish to reassign one of the licenses, you can edit the serial number file, remove the incorrect lines, and run license_binder again.

WARNING Make sure you back up the serial number file before changing it. Use a text editor to edit the file. Save the file as "text only" if you use a Macintosh word processor. Word processing programs may add formatting information to the file, which will corrupt it. The only change you can make is to remove an entire line of text, otherwise you will corrupt the file and MAE will not use it.

The serial number file is stored in <apple_dir>/license_dir/<serial_num>, where <apple_dir> is the location where you installed MAE and <serial_num> is the serial number that you entered when you ran the license_binder program. For example, the file may be created with the following path:


If you have more than one serial number, you need to run license_binder more than once. You do not need to assign the same name to more than one serial number, because MAE will search through all serial number files.

Note: The License Binder is intended to help system administrators keep track of MAE licenses and to and to help your site comply with Apple's End User License Agreement. If a customer tricks the License Binder into letting him or her run more than the licensed number of copies of MAE, the user is still in violation of the End User License Agreement.

If the License Binder is administered from a central location

Your site administrators may have arranged to administer all MAE licenses from a central location. If this is the case, you will probably be asked not to run the license_binder program as described in "Running the License Binder" (in the following section), but instead, to set the MAE_LICENSES environment variable to the path of that location. Be sure that you have proper network access to that location (if the location is not local). For information on running license_binder from a central location, see Chapter 1 of the MAE System Administrator's Guide.

Running the License Binder

  1. At the command prompt, enter the license_binder command.

    Enter the pathname of the license_binder file, which is in the apple/bin directory. Thus, if you have placed your apple directory in /usr, enter:


    The system displays the prompt:

    Please enter your serial number: >>

  2. At the prompt, enter the serial number written on your disc.

    You can now assign user names or workstation names to the available licenses.

  3. Enter a name for as many of the available licenses as you wish, pressing Return after each one. If you are assigning less than full number of available licenses, end the process by pressing Return twice.

    You may now begin using MAE. For information on starting MAE, see Chapter 2 of this book.

Removing MAE

The Remove option allows you to remove MAE from your workstation. Do not use this option for the purpose of installing a newer version of MAE; use Remove only to remove MAE from your workstation altogether (for example, if the disk space is needed).

Follow these steps:

  1. Shut down all running copies of MAE.

  2. When prompted to choose Easy Install, Custom Install, or Remove, enter r (or remove).

    You see a list of packages that the Installer can remove.

  3. Press Return to continue.

    Before the Installer removes a package, you are prompted to decide whether to remove the package. The default is No.

    When you enter y (or yes), if the system is unable to find a packages, it prompts you to type the location of the package to be removed.

    After asking about all the MAE packages, the Installer lists those you have decided to remove and asks whether to remove the packages. The default is No.

  4. To remove the packages, enter Yes. To cancel the removal, enter no or press Return.

    If you chose to remove the specified packages, the system lists the packages and the number of files that it has removed. If you chose not to remove the packages, you are returned to the screen described in step 1.

  5. If you are running HP-UX and have removed the AppleTalk package, you should restart your workstation.

If you have problems installing MAE

This section describes some of the error messages that the Installer might display during the installation process.

Installer messages

ERROR: Not enough free space on [destination-directory]

Press Return to display the prompt that lets you enter a new destination directory or press q to quit the Installer. Free some disk space and run the Installer again.

ERROR: Cannot create directory [destination-directory]

You do not have the correct access permissions for the destination directory that you selected. Press Return and enter a new directory or contact your system administrator for the necessary permissions.

ERROR : The Installer encountered an unexpected error. No information is available for this error.

The Installer cannot determine what went wrong but is able to recover. If it was installing a package, that package will be removed. If it was updating, the original files will be restored.

ERROR: The Installer cannot create the directory shown below.

You probably do not have permission to create a new directory in the parent directory or the directory shown.

ERROR: The pathname that you have entered contains invalid characters. (For example, do not use the '~' character when specifying a pathname.)

Choose a different file or directory path that does not contain the '~' character. (Use environment variables such as $HOME instead of '~/'.

ERROR: The Installer cannot find any installation packages.

This can happen if the installation CD-ROM is mounted from a system that converts the file names on the CD to lower case. The Installer is case sensitive and is looking for specific file names that are all in uppercase. It can also happen if the Installer program (INSTALL.SH) is copied from the installation CD-ROM but the required package files have not been copied to the same location.

ERROR: An error occurred during the installation. Some packages could not be installed.

The Installer was able to continue after an error occurred, perhaps during the copy, verify, or finishing phase. Some packages may have been installed without error, but the Installer always removes packages that it fails to install correctly.

ERROR: An error occurred during package removal. Some packages may not have been removed.

The Installer was unable to continue after an error occurred while attempting to remove a package. Some packages might have been removed without error, but the Installer might leave packages in an unknown state if they cannot be completely removed. This error is very rare. The best solution is to reinstall the package in the same location, and then remove it again. For more information about error messages, see the MAE Read Me file.

Problems with the License Binder

The following problem might occur while running the License Binder. For a list of license-binder errors that can create problems at startup, see Chapter 2 of this guide.

ERROR: The control file for serial number <file_name> appears to be corrupted.

Remove the file and start the License Binder process for that serial number again.

If other problems arise during the installation process, see your system administrator or contact Apple Technical Support.

Where to go from here

To begin using MAE, proceed to Chapter 2 of this guide.

* Preface MAE 2.0 - Installing and Getting Started - Chapter 1 Chapter 2 *